L’EPO considère des moyens pour alléger la charge de travail de ses Examinateurs

Selon un rapport de l’Office européen des brevets de novembre 2007, celle-ci semble considérer différents moyens pour tenter d’alléger sa charge de travail. Ces moyens sont présentés ainsi (en anglais):

  • Utilising work done by other patent offices in Europe or outside Europe, applicants and third parties.
  • Raising the bar by granting exclusive rights only for technical innovations with sufficient inventive merit.
  • Improving the efficiency of the application process by coming up with new measures to deal with the workload in an efficient way.
  • Enhancing cooperation within Europe by, for example, building the European Patent Network that consists of the EPO and the national patent offices.
  • Making the European Patent Organisation and the EPO fit for the future by enhancing their capability to deal with new challenges, and reviewing governance and finance.

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