10 points les plus importants à considérer pour licencier une technologie d’une université

Le site IPFrontline.com a publié un article (en anglais) de Kingsley L. Taft and Laurie A. Burlingame sur les 10 points les plus importants à considérer lorsqu’une société considère licencier une technologie d’une université.

Les voici (en anglais):

  1. Make sure the license grant contains all the university rights needed to commercialize the licensed technology.
  2. Consider broadening the license grant to include improvement inventions.
  3. Consider the scope of the university’s retained rights.
  4. Obtain commercially useful sublicensing rights.
  5. Structure reasonable royalty provisions given the proposed business.
  6. Review closely the payment obligations.
  7. Develop commercially reasonable performance milestones.
  8. Managing patent prosecution and dealing with regulatory agencies.
  9. Make sure the termination provisions work for the business.
  10. Carefully review all sections of the agreement, even the seemingly routine.

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